[ultimate_heading sub_heading_color=”#ffffff” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:25px;mobile_landscape:22px;mobile:22px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:42px;mobile_landscape:32px;mobile:32px;” el_class=”home_main_text_1″ main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:5px;”]Quality is our first priority. Our success, past present and future, is dependent upon the high quality of our products as well as the expertise and service that we can offer our customers.[/ultimate_heading]


How does the DIEVAC® System work?

Simply. Up to 40cm (10″) of tri-laminate material is positioned on top of the steel rule die or Dieverse TM. Tooling. The hood then encloses the die and material within the carrier, the cutting matrix being mounted in the hood. A vacuum pump then expels the air from the system which draws the hood down and compresses the material to approximately 5cm (2″) in height.

The entire system is then incrementally fed through a hydraulic cutting press specially fitted to suit the DIEVAC® process. When the vacuum is turned off, the lay recovers to its original height and the hood is automatically lifted clear. The components are then removed and the cycle can be repeated with a new lay of material.

  • 100% cutting accuracy
  • Almost zero scrap parts
  • Tremendous productivity
  • Excellent fabric utilization
  • Occupies less floor space than other systems
  • Material will not move while cutting
  • Tri-laminates
  • Bi-laminates
  • High nap velours
  • Stretchy polyesters
  • Quilted material
  • Vinyls
  • Satins
  • Sponge or foam filled material
  • Fiberglass
Additional Information
  • Pattern complexity immaterial to productivity
  • All interior blades and punches cut simultaneously
  • CAD pattern nesting utilized
  • Each ply is consistently cut, top to bottom
  • Can easily cut over 6000m (250,000″) of material per minute!



Ontario Die International is a global company with offices located all over the world including Canada, the United States, Mexico and the Czech Republic.


  • Chamber of Commerce Award of Excellence
  • GTO 9000 Quality Award
  • Canadian Awards for Business Excellence
  • Lear Corporation Supplier Hall of Fame Finalist